Meditation Course Level 1 Overview
For Meditation course level 2 which is a more spiritually based course please click here
Meditation Couse Level 1
Course Length: Three months
Attendance: Once every three weeks,each session lasts an hour.
Scientific Evidence shows : 21 days of habit can change the structure of your brain.!!
” Neurons that fire together work together”
Throughout this course, the brain will create new neural pathways and connections between neurons will form. More practice means stronger connections and the easier the meditation practice becomes.
Learn the art of meditation and its startling benefits.
Scientifically-proven effects on the body and brain structure.
The more you access the art of meditation practice the stronger the beneficial affect.
How to access meditation 24/7 anywhere and in any situation.
Let’s look at the impact of the simple practice of meditation, something that everyone can do irrespective of age, gender, location.
Meditation makes your brain stronger, smarter, and faster in the same way that physical exercise makes your muscles get bigger . Remember the brain is a muscle.
Learn how meditation can alter the brains shape in certain key areas.
As a result, we develop improved concentration, focus, learning, memory, problem solving, creativity, and motivation.
So whatever your circumstances, you are going to benefit !
Learn how to cultivate a deep state of peace whilst remaining alert.
We certainly need this in everyday life.
A state of peace enables the body’s natural healing mechanisms to function at optimum level.
Our immune system is strengthened.
Our energy levels go up, less stress and tension on the body. Our performance increases, and we make better decisions, with better clarity of thought, whatever the problem or situation.
This means we achieve our goals.
Sceptics can no longer dismiss this as gobbledygook, when at long last scientific research has evidence to support these facts.
If you are still doubting well here’s some more proven evidence:
Meditation lowers blood pressure, reduces anxiety attacks, deactivates fear, increases tolerance to pain thresholds, reduces joint problems, tension and headaches. It also increases serotonin levels, which improves our mood.
Let’s go back to the mind and it’s simple structure of two halves the conscious and the sub conscious , remember that in the conscious mind all of our logical thinking is taking place right here and now just as your analysing and reasoning what your reading , the conscious mind eats up a lot of energy just being logical , once we get past the logic then a lot of background chatter starts to occur in the mind.
Surely we all want happiness and inner peace. Meditation can help achieve this state.
How? When the brainwave pattern is in the Alpha state and we will look a little closer at this during the course – our creativity increases, we develop a sense of happiness, our intuition develops, calmness prevails.
Let’s utilise a practice that’s been around for generations and demystify the myths together.
I intend to take you back to the roots of meditations true intention. The mind becomes a complex demon when internal chatter takes reign. But with a meditation practice in place the chatter is silenced and a calm peace is restored.
For Meditation Course Structure Level 1 Click Here