Everything with in and on this living planet and beyond operates by energy!!
“To every action there is an equal and opposite reaction” – sir Isaac Newton
Everything begins with a thought from that a feeling and eventually action. Now that thought can in simple terms be seen as negative or positive energies, and the outcome generated by this thought process can have an impact on our mind and body.
Our mind generates thoughts that have a stressing impact on our behaviours, for example we think about the arguments in our relationships …when and how is it going to change, we think about the stressing times at work, the list is endless.
We must learn to reprogram our thoughts which I will help you to learn spiritually, but also I will teach you how to heal the stressful , painful , traumatic periods in our physical body that we are holding onto.
Remember we come into this lifetime with past karma, past baggage and we inflict ourselves with more baggage as we go through life learning tough lessons.
I will teach you how to invoke the kundalini energy to ignite the areas of stagnated energy manifesting in our mind and body resulting in pain both physical and emotional.
I will heal the major train stations in the body known as chakras – which are wheels of free flowing energy when they are working on a spiritual level.
I heal with the power of herbs , certain crystals bespoke to you only , and mantras.
Though smell, sound and energy the mind body and spirt become aligned and inner peace and happiness is restored with the help and invocation of the divine spirit as always.