My Intention
Spirit reveal what the root of your problems are. If these are not removed they will continue to disrupt in other areas of your life which you are probably experiencing. My readings work with powerful rituals and astrology and can release those blockages once and for all.
I not only give you spiritual guidance on what direction you should take but show you how to get there.
What makes my reading unique is that I teach you how to connect with your spiritual guides and develop your intuition. From there you will achieve inner peace, happiness and prosperity.
It does not matter what concern or question you come to me with the process is the same. We must first work out what the root of the concern is. Your symptoms may be financial , poor relationships, arguments, lack of job prospects, confidence, depression, worry, stress, etc…..the list is endless.there is no point in just working with the symptoms that’s not how I work. If we only work with the symptoms then you will be coming back to me spending endless amounts of money and the chaos or root concern will just be there playing havoc in another area of your life and so the cycle goes on and you still feel lost and empty and at your wits end as to what to do and how to move forward out of this darkness.
I’ve been there so I know how you feel?
In life we get tested with all sorts of obstacles , scenarios, sometimes when we take a step back we can see that the tests are the same but are just occurring in a different disguise, for example it might be that we don’t get on with our boss or our colleagues, so we leave the job and gain new employment and for a while all is going well until the symptoms start repeating themselves from the previous job, we are being tested all over again and we ask ourselves why is this happening to me all over again!!
This is because the planets are affecting us in this way and blocking us from moving forward,our spiritual guides want us to grow but they also want us to learn from past lives, or just past mistakes from this life.
So we need to confront all that is holding us back, I help you to do this in a spiritual way .
I work with the planets and my main focus will be on the Moon and Saturn. These two powerful yet troublesome planets are affecting us the moment we enter this karmic life.
Think of the moon granting us opportunities and Saturn as teaching us all life lessons and placing obstacles in our paths to allow us to learn and grow , however at the time we don’t think that obstacles like arguments in a relationship are going to make us grow as individuals, but the key is it will.
By working together and understanding these two planets we will learn how to sever any energies that are blocking us and stopping us from making the same mistake over again .
Giving us freedom, inner peace , clarity of mind , and a spiritual toolbox that we can draw upon to maintain balance in life.