Why relationships go wrong & understanding how to put them right….
Have you ever sat and wondered why on earth things go wrong again and again, and situations go from bad to worse…for example, at last I find the strength to leave my job in the hope of being free from a controlling manipulative boss and start a new job, it all goes well for the first six months and bang certain traits of my previous boss start to appear amongst my new working colleagues…. why does this always happen to me ? It never happens to anyone else.
Have you ever found the courage to leave a relationship that was going nowhere, re-occurring arguments that start from nothing or for something that happened yrs ago, frequent bickering, even affairs…..but you give it another go, you make up, and things go well for a while and then bang it happens all over again like a reoccurring nightmare….why me .? Not again? It only ever seems to happen to me.
Relationships, it doesn’t matter what aspect it is, i.e with your partner your relationship with your boss or colleagues or your relationship with your parents.
The most important relationship is the relationship with you! And it’s with you where we need to start to find the answer.
Let’s take a brief look at you, the brain is made up of essentially two parts the conscious and the subconscious , the conscious is where our logical thinking processes go on… in the here and now, we use reasoning and logic to analyse a situation and react, the subconscious part is where our emotions lie , it’s where our creativity lies and it’s where our bodily processes like breathing , digestion occur without even having to think about it to make it happen.
Within the subconscious mind we attach emotions to situations and to people, we allow our emotions to get the better of us when faced with difficult situations like relationships with our partners, our boss our working colleagues etc…
Now these difficult situations or trying circumstances like struggling with finances , health , moving forward are life’s lessons . Life teaches us harsh lessons over and over again , sometimes the lesson comes in a different disguise for example the person who leaves one relationship to be free and for a fresh new start only to find that further down the road they enter a new relationship and bingo for some reason some things start to repeat themselves and so the cycle repeats itself, or you get that new job, that new beginning and six months later your unhappy again, and so the cycle repeats.
Well after much personal experience and working with many clients similar to situations above I can tell you why things go wrong.
When you come into this planet you come in being born with what you would expect…. a clean canvas to carve your own life in the direction that you want it to go using free will and wanting to make the most of what life throws at you.
Unfortunately you also come into this life with karma. Karma is a misunderstood concept but for now let’s view it as what goes around sooner or later comes around.
Now when we are born we are born with past karma that we have inherited from our previous lives which has a massive affect on our present karma . Think of present karma as using your own free will and intentions to decide how to live your life with personal integrity, you also come into this world with two governing planets that affect how the conscious and subconscious minds work and thus affect how your life is played out.
So what are these two planets? They are the moon which governs all our emotions,our wealth health, success, hormones, depression, mindful conditions, mood swings just to mention a few .
The other planet is Saturn think of Saturn as governing all our life’s lessons and harsh experiences in life.
Saturn governs all our attachments to life, to people,to possessions, think of Saturn as the out of balanced ego, all of our old behaviours, old patterns, the demons sitting on the shoulder telling you to take another drink, have another cigarette when your trying to give up, or lets stay in this controlling relationship because it’s the only thing I have and convincing yourself it will change it will get better…
Now when you are in your mothers womb you are surrounded by water , cushioning you , feeding you , no different to the moon and its effect on the earth, and thus on us, the moon gives us light at nighttime,it nourishes the earth with water. It makes us feel secure at night , when the moon is full we know scientifically gravity pulls the tides towards us and similarly as the moon becomes full it pulls the water in pulling on our emotional state, affecting our emotions, our mood swings , the way we feel , leading to how we react at that present time, remember our body is made up of 70 % water and so as the moon comes closer to us that is earth it affects the flow of water in the body , the water around the brain along the spinal cord , proven facts show when the moon is full A and E departments are near full, more attempted suicides are recorded and police stations note an increase in disruptive behaviour .
Saturn only dishes out those repetitive lessons in the hope that we will learn this time and not go back to those same old behaviours and find the faith and courage to move forward learning from those difficult painful lessons thus being able to share our experiences with others …help others, understand others….
So how do we stop repeating the same mistake and ensuring the cycle gets severed so that it doesn’t pass down to our children?
So the subconscious mind named Saturn is where all the answers and formulas lie deep with in the subconscious mind where we can rewrite old behaviors, lose the weight, find the right job , find your purpose….even if your purpose in life is just to find peace inner peace and happiness not happiness gained through attachment to others ….but to do this we have to stop dealing with the symptoms in life, the symptom is the fall out of the situation , it can be depression, the start of self harming , anorexia,bulimia ,anger , fear manifesting as panic attacks anxiety…the list goes on, we need to stop covering up the situation with a make do plaster in the hope it will get better , the plaster falls off and so the cycle repeats itself, the only way is to uncover the root of the problem thus severing yourself from past karma, inherited karma, to allow yourself to have the chance to paint that blank canvas that you once came in with , to carve out your journey to find your purpose because when you find that purpose you find yourself freely giving and contributing to life , you find happiness inner peace , free from resentment, free from attachments that serve no purpose, acceptance for who you are knowing who you are , understanding your relationship with you , unlocking your creativity , and whatever that all means to you , that’s the journey , the journey that the higher power ,the spiritual divine wanted you to take awakening you ,
And the only way to achieve this is through being at peace with the moon and Saturn,and the elements, remember without the planets we could not exist as human beings ,we rely on the sun for light, warmth, photosynthesis and respiration, it thus makes sense to understand why the planets affect us so much.
The key is to still the mind , the logical consciousness so that you become absolutely present in the here and now this very moment, once we attain this through simple mindful meditation using the breath, sound , vibration and other tools with the help of the divine power we can delve into the subconscious mind and access the truth and the answers.
The way is to be at peace with the planets using water,visualisation, wearing of the right colours, jewellery etc through acknowledging that to balance our karma we must give something back to nature, this tried and tested therapy takes you along a journey that awakens you to realise the truth as to why relationships go wrong , why issues ,problems repeat themselves over the years ,and even pass down to our children and their children, why we end going around in circles, and know that we shouldn’t eat as much, drink as much, smoke as much, …but we do, once we journey to the root the truth avails itself and an awakening occurs …the blank canvas becomes yours to paint what ever you like